Saturday 14 July 2012

Printing Workshop At the London Print Club

So, Again fancying some custom clothing that nobody else is wearing ( after once again spotting a girl with exactly my outfit in black) I have decided to print some one-off, unique t- shirts!

So not knowing how and where to start, I have enrolled into a printing workshop to learn the ropes of screen printing to get the unique look!

Doing the workshop I have to say , apart from taking amazing pictures of some pretty good street art outside the hidden away studio in Dalston, I am not regretting any penny I have spend on the course, as it was fun, insightful and above all inspiring to experience the manual process of screen printing and all the thought and precision work that goes into it.

It's one of those things where the process is part of the end product and printing multiple posters and t-shirts had something very therapeutic on a rainy Sunday.

Of course I made a few snaps to document this some of which you can check out below.